2025 Budget

King Township is transitioning to a new approach for its 2025 budget process by adopting a service-based budgeting model, designed to better communicate the budget by service rather than department.
A service-based municipal budget allows the Township to focus on specific services, like fire protection, road maintenance, recreation, or library. It shows the budget by the services the public identify by instead of the traditional department-based budget, like Public Works or Community Services.
Moving to a service-based budget benefits residents by increasing transparency and accountability in municipal spending. It allows residents to see exactly how funds are used for specific services, such as road maintenance, waste management or emergency services, making it easier to understand the value they receive for their tax dollars.
It also enhances efficiency, as the municipality can better track and manage the costs and performance of individual services. This helps identify areas for improvement, prioritize resources based on community needs and potentially reduce spending, leading to better-quality services for residents.