June 11th Public Information Centre Summary and Next Steps

The Township would like to thank everyone who attended the Public Information Centre to learn more about the Kettleby Road Reconstruction project. Your participation is appreciated and we value your feedback to keep the community engaged throughout the process. See the summary below on the comments/questions/concerns raised at the PIC:
Purpose of this Project
The current (and previous) Road Needs Studies identifies Kettleby Road as having a “Poor” condition rating. Meaning, it currently sits in a state of disrepair that is not favoured by the level of service that should be provided and requires complete reconstruction as soon as possible. Repaving of the existing road is not feasible due to the deteriorated underlying structure and requiring an approach to improve drainage.
Keeping the road in the current condition increases maintenance costs, Township insurance premiums, likelihood of accidents and the risk of drainage impacts can decrease property values.
Tree Trimming & Removals
The current design significantly reduced the amount of trees/shrubs/etc. that need to be trimmed or removed compared to earlier plans. Both Hydro One and the Township have designed the utility and road layouts to save as many existing trees as possible. The only removals are direct conflicts with power lines or proximity to construction works where survival is unlikely. Tree Protection Zones will be placed around nearby trees and the contractor will be required to Hydrovac or airspade when excavating around roots. Where root pruning is required, it will be done under the direction of an ISA Certified Arborist and backfilled as soon as possible.
New Tree Plantings and Restoration Works
The final restoration following construction will include planting of new trees to compensate for the ones being removed. We are currently drafting a Planting Plan to find locations where new trees can be placed. This will be shared with residents when ready. The request for hanging flower baskets will be included in the 2025 beautification program.
Vibration Monitoring
It will be the contractor’s responsibility to retain a vibration engineer when the Township awards the project. Residents can expect educational material and will be able to ask specific questions about the vibration monitoring process. When a vibration expert is brought onboard, one of the first steps will be the Pre-Condition Assessment to document the current state of building foundations. We will provide at least 2 weeks notice to ensure residents can provide access to their homes.
Traffic Calming
A speed assessment will be completed following construction. If warranted, traffic-calming measures will be implemented in the community. These may include: speed humps, bollards, speed cameras, and/or designating the area as a Community Safety Zone.
The Township requires barrier-style curbs for all new urbanized road construction. These provide better storm drainage by containing runoff within the roadway. They also serve as a deterrent so vehicles park entirely on the road without encroaching onto the boulevard. The Township will review the engineering and safety aspects of localized rollover curbs.
On-Street Parking
Residents and visitors will still have the option for on-street parking (i.e. at the curb) following construction. Kettleby Road does not have year-round parking restrictions, however is still subject to Township Parking By-law (2005-36) which includes no street parking on any Township road from 2:00 AM – 6:00 AM (Nov 1 to April 15). New or modified parking restrictions will be considered during the traffic calming review.
Signage and Access During Construction
Access to properties will be maintained throughout construction. Other signs and measures include:
- Detour signs on Keele & Jane in both directions that Kettleby Road is under construction
- Contract sign at both ends with contractor/engineer contact info
- Digital message board at both ends to be updated throughout construction with message that Dorio’s is Open
- York Region Police paid duty officers during first few days of construction
- Standard construction signage for traffic control/safety
Communication Plan
Residents can expect to receive a project update at least every 2 weeks or more frequently as major milestones. Updates will be sent using the SpeaKing page distribution list and major milestones will be posted to Township social media channels. Property owners will be contacted individually if there are specific impacts to private property.
Guide Rail at Bridge
While this area is not part of the construction project, the Township will review the guiderail placement and pedestrian safety comments.
Next Steps
- June 21 – Project posted to the Township’s procurement website for contractors to bid
- Ongoing – Design refinements with engineer from PIC resident feedback
- June-July – Hydro One utility work (pole relocations, forestry work, moving lines)
- August – Anticipated start of road construction

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