Climate Action Plan Update & Next Steps

Good Afternoon All,

Staff wanted to provide an update on the King Climate Action Plan and where it stands currently.

Staff has been busy over the spring and summer developing the plan and moving through a draft of the plan with actions and priorities. As well as carrying out several climate change/ energy/ emission reduction projects. The following will be the plan's expectations moving into the fall of 2021.

1. A Climate Change survey will be circulated on Speaking King for input.

Survey to be released this month- this survey will be open for 3 weeks, and a post notifying of the survey going live will also be added to this page.

2. Draft King Climate Action Plan (KCAP)- with targets, data, and actions to be brought to Council and the sustainability advisory committee for comment and feedback. The expected timeline is Fall- early Q4.

3. Following council feedback and comment there will be a virtual public information session/centre (VPIC) held for additional public comments/feedback on the draft plan. Dependant on health regulations and restrictions, it is tentatively expected that this VPIC will be held virtually.

4. A updated KCAP will be taken back to Council with council, committee and public feedback included in the second half of Q4 for approval. This council appearance is expected to include a presentation from staff on the plan.

Staff looks forward to receiving feedback from the survey and draft plan and moving King towards a greener, cleaner, more resilient low-carbon future.

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