Notice of Open House and Public Planning Meeting

The Project Team invites you to attend an in-person Open House and Statutory Public Planning Meeting regarding the Highway 11 Corridor Study. The Township of King has proposed a draft Official Plan Amendment to the Our King Official Plan, 2019 and a draft Zoning By-law Amendment to Zoning By-law 2022-53 to implement a land use planning framework for the Study Area and advance the recommendations of the Study.
An Open House on Monday October 7th, 2024 from 3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. is being held to engage the community, provide an update on the Study and obtain input and feedback on the proposed amendments. The Open House will consist of a presentation at 4 p.m., followed by an open discussion with the Project Team.
The Statutory Public Planning Meeting on Monday October 7th, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. is being held to to provide the public with the opportunity to formally comment on the proposed draft Official Plan Amendment and draft Zoning By-law Amendment to Township Council, and for Council to consider the feedback prior to the consideration of adopting the amendments. The Amendments will be revised based on Council and Public feedback, and brought back for Council's consideration of adoption at a later date.
If you would like to review the proposed Amendments and Final Discussion Paper in advance of the Open House and Statutory Public Planning Meeting, they are found in the Documents section of the SpeaKING Project Page. To participate in the Council Meeting, watch the presentation or submit comments visit:
If you have any questions please contact the Project Team at, or at 289-800-2562. We look forward to your participation!

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