Draft Proposed Modifications to the Our King Official Plan
Please be advised that the Township’s Growth Management Services Department is scheduled to report to the Council of the Township of King (Committee of the Whole) with respect to York Region’s proposed draft modifications to the adopted ‘Our King’ Official Plan, at the following Special Council/Committee Meeting:
Monday, August 10, 2020 at 6:00 P.M.
(Electronic Meeting during an Emergency, pursuant to Section 238(3.3) of the Municipal Act, 2001)
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the Municipal Centre is closed.
This Special Council and Committee of the Whole meeting will be held remotely (virtually) and live streamed at http://meeting.king.ca.
Township of King Council adopted the ‘Our King’ Official Plan on September 23, 2019. York Region is the approval authority for the Plan. The Township’s Planning Division has worked closely with York Region staff to address comments and draft modifications to the document. York Region’s draft modifications will be presented to Township Council for endorsement on Monday, August 10, 2020. It is anticipated that York Region will make a decision on the ‘Our King’ Official Plan and modifications in September 2020.
Report and Modifications:
The Growth Management Services Department report regarding this matter will be available on the Township’s web-site (www.king.ca), or by contacting the Department, on Thursday, August 6, 2020.
On July 30, 2020 a copy of the draft proposed modifications and public comment response matrix will be made available in the document library.
Public Comment
To comment in writing, please send written comments to the Clerk’s Office at clerks@king.ca no later than Monday, August 10 at 12:00 p.m. (noon). Written comments will be circulated to Members of Council prior to the start of the Meeting and will become part of the formal record of the meeting.
To speak to Council virtually about an agenda item, you must register by contacting the Clerk’s Office at 905-833-4068 or email clerks@king.ca no later than Monday, August 10, 2020 at 12:00 p.m. (noon). When your registration is received, a confirmation message and instructions for participating in the virtual public meeting will be provided.
Please provide your full name, address, contact details and the item you wish to speak to when contacting the Clerks Department. Please note that all comments will become part of the public record.
Live streaming of the meeting will be available to the public, during the meeting, via http://meeting.king.ca
Additional Information:
For further background information on the Official Plan Review process, please visit the Official Plan Review page on Speaking https://speaking.king.ca/official-plan-review or contact Kristen Harrison, Policy Planner at kharrison@king.ca or 905-833-4065.