Official Plan Review

The Our King Official Plan was adopted by Township Council on September 23, 2019, and subsequently approved by York Region on September 24, 2020, subject to modifications and three site-specific deferrals. The Official Plan was appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) by multiple appellants.
The Township has been successful in scoping the appeals to bring most of the Plan into effect. Some sections, policies, and schedules remain under appeal on either a site/area-specific or Township-wide basis. To view an annotated version of the Official Plan text please see the Document Library; annotated Schedules will follow.
The Official Plan establishes a comprehensive, long-term vision for the future of the Township as a whole and a detailed policy framework to guide growth and development in the Township’s Villages, Hamlets and rural area. The Official Plan addresses the Township’s long-term planning requirements to the year 2031 and brings the Township into conformity with recent Provincial and upper-tier land use policy direction.
The Our King Official Plan was adopted by Township Council on September 23, 2019, and subsequently approved by York Region on September 24, 2020, subject to modifications and three site-specific deferrals. The Official Plan was appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) by multiple appellants.
The Township has been successful in scoping the appeals to bring most of the Plan into effect. Some sections, policies, and schedules remain under appeal on either a site/area-specific or Township-wide basis. To view an annotated version of the Official Plan text please see the Document Library; annotated Schedules will follow.
The Official Plan establishes a comprehensive, long-term vision for the future of the Township as a whole and a detailed policy framework to guide growth and development in the Township’s Villages, Hamlets and rural area. The Official Plan addresses the Township’s long-term planning requirements to the year 2031 and brings the Township into conformity with recent Provincial and upper-tier land use policy direction.
Our King Official Plan - Status
Share Our King Official Plan - Status on Facebook Share Our King Official Plan - Status on Twitter Share Our King Official Plan - Status on Linkedin Email Our King Official Plan - Status linkKing Township is pleased to announce that the bulk of the Our King Official Plan is now in force and effect! The Official Plan, which was adopted by Township Council in September 2019, and approved by York Region in October 2020, was appealed the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) by multiple parties.
The Township has been successful in scoping the appeals to bring most of the Plan into effect. Some sections, policies, and schedules remain under appeal on either a site/area-specific or Township-wide basis. To view an annotated version of the Official Plan text please see the Document Library. Annotated Schedules will follow in the coming days.
Should you have and questions, please contact Kristen Harrison, Policy Planner by email:; or by phone: 905-833-4065.
Our King Official Plan - Appeals
Share Our King Official Plan - Appeals on Facebook Share Our King Official Plan - Appeals on Twitter Share Our King Official Plan - Appeals on Linkedin Email Our King Official Plan - Appeals linkThe Our King Official Plan is subject to appeals to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT). Please refer to OLT Case No. PL200556 for the latest information on the appeals.
Key Dates:
First Case Management Conference: May 11, 2021 - Decision
Second Case Management Conference: September 21, 2021 - Decision
Settlement Hearing Date: October 26, 2021 at 10:00am
Phase One Hearing: April 4, 2022 at 10:00am
The Township has been successful in scoping the appeals to bring most of the Plan into effect. Some sections, policies, and schedules remain under appeal on either a site/area-specific or Township-wide basis. To view an annotated version of the Official Plan text please see the Document Library. Annotated Schedules will follow in the coming days.
Official Plan update
Share Official Plan update on Facebook Share Official Plan update on Twitter Share Official Plan update on Linkedin Email Official Plan update linkThank you to everyone who participated in the Township’s Official Plan Review.
The Our King Official Plan was adopted by Township Council on September 23, 2019, and subsequently approved by York Region on September 24, 2020, subject to modifications and three site-specific deferrals.
Various policies, sections, and schedules of the Official Plan have been appealed to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT).
Township Planning Staff together with York Region Staff are in the process of reviewing the extent of these appeals.
Updates on the status of the Plan will be posted on the Official Plan Review page on SpeaKING:
Decision on the Our King Official Plan
Share Decision on the Our King Official Plan on Facebook Share Decision on the Our King Official Plan on Twitter Share Decision on the Our King Official Plan on Linkedin Email Decision on the Our King Official Plan linkOn September 24, 2020, Regional Council approved the Township of King: Our King Official Plan, 2019, with modifications, and subject to 3 site-specific deferrals.
Together, the following 3 documents form the York Region’s decision on the King Official Plan, 2019:
1. Notice of Decision
2. Approved Modifications to the King Official Plan, 2019
3. DeferralsThe Decision is subject to a 20 day appeal period, which ends on October 28, 2020.
For additional information on York Region's Decision please contact Sara Brockman, Senior Planner, at 1-877-464-9675, extension 75750 or or York Region Community Planning and Development Services at 1-877-464-9675, extension 71550 or
Report to Regional Committee and Council on the Our King Official Plan
Share Report to Regional Committee and Council on the Our King Official Plan on Facebook Share Report to Regional Committee and Council on the Our King Official Plan on Twitter Share Report to Regional Committee and Council on the Our King Official Plan on Linkedin Email Report to Regional Committee and Council on the Our King Official Plan linkYork Region is taking a recommendation report for decision on the Township of King: Our King Official Plan to Regional Committee of the Whole on September 10th, and to Regional Council on September 24th.
A copy of the staff report is available on York Region’s website.
Should you wish to make a request for deputation (written or verbal), please make the request to the Regional Clerk. Under the current circumstances, members of the public are unable to attend Committee/ Council in person. However, written and verbal deputations will be accepted by the Regional Clerk's Office. Please complete the York Region Deputation Request Form to submit a deputation request. The deadline for deputation requests is noon the day prior to the meeting.
Draft Proposed Modifications to the Our King Official Plan
Share Draft Proposed Modifications to the Our King Official Plan on Facebook Share Draft Proposed Modifications to the Our King Official Plan on Twitter Share Draft Proposed Modifications to the Our King Official Plan on Linkedin Email Draft Proposed Modifications to the Our King Official Plan linkPlease be advised that the Township’s Growth Management Services Department is scheduled to report to the Council of the Township of King (Committee of the Whole) with respect to York Region’s proposed draft modifications to the adopted ‘Our King’ Official Plan, at the following Special Council/Committee Meeting:
Monday, August 10, 2020 at 6:00 P.M.
(Electronic Meeting during an Emergency, pursuant to Section 238(3.3) of the Municipal Act, 2001)
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the Municipal Centre is closed.
This Special Council and Committee of the Whole meeting will be held remotely (virtually) and live streamed at
Township of King Council adopted the ‘Our King’ Official Plan on September 23, 2019. York Region is the approval authority for the Plan. The Township’s Planning Division has worked closely with York Region staff to address comments and draft modifications to the document. York Region’s draft modifications will be presented to Township Council for endorsement on Monday, August 10, 2020. It is anticipated that York Region will make a decision on the ‘Our King’ Official Plan and modifications in September 2020.
Report and Modifications:
The Growth Management Services Department report regarding this matter will be available on the Township’s web-site (, or by contacting the Department, on Thursday, August 6, 2020.
On July 30, 2020 a copy of the draft proposed modifications and public comment response matrix will be made available in the document library.
Public Comment
To comment in writing, please send written comments to the Clerk’s Office at no later than Monday, August 10 at 12:00 p.m. (noon). Written comments will be circulated to Members of Council prior to the start of the Meeting and will become part of the formal record of the meeting.
To speak to Council virtually about an agenda item, you must register by contacting the Clerk’s Office at 905-833-4068 or email no later than Monday, August 10, 2020 at 12:00 p.m. (noon). When your registration is received, a confirmation message and instructions for participating in the virtual public meeting will be provided.
Please provide your full name, address, contact details and the item you wish to speak to when contacting the Clerks Department. Please note that all comments will become part of the public record.
Live streaming of the meeting will be available to the public, during the meeting, via
Additional Information:
For further background information on the Official Plan Review process, please visit the Official Plan Review page on Speaking or contact Kristen Harrison, Policy Planner at or 905-833-4065.
Official Plan Review - Update
Share Official Plan Review - Update on Facebook Share Official Plan Review - Update on Twitter Share Official Plan Review - Update on Linkedin Email Official Plan Review - Update linkKing Township Council adopted the Our King Official Plan on September 23, 2019. The adopted Official Plan has been sent to York Region for review and approval. King Planning staff continues to work closely with York Region staff to address comments and modifications to the document. It is anticipated that York Region will make a decision on the Our King Official Plan in September 2020.
Our King, Official Plan Aopted by Council on September 23, 2019!
Share Our King, Official Plan Aopted by Council on September 23, 2019! on Facebook Share Our King, Official Plan Aopted by Council on September 23, 2019! on Twitter Share Our King, Official Plan Aopted by Council on September 23, 2019! on Linkedin Email Our King, Official Plan Aopted by Council on September 23, 2019! linkKing Township Council adopted the Our King Official Plan with changes on September 23, 2019. The changes resulted in:
- A Site Specific Policy Area (SSPA-4) being added to Schedule D1 for the Kingscross Estate Residential Area and corresponding text in Section 5.17.4 to identify a minimum lot area of 0.81 hectares (2 acres); and
- Modifications to Schedule D1 to change the extent of the Village Core, Mixed Use, and Established Neighbourhood designations in the area located on Keele Street, north of King Road.
The above noted changes have been incorporated into the final Our King Official Plan and can be found in the Document Library on Speaking.
- A Site Specific Policy Area (SSPA-4) being added to Schedule D1 for the Kingscross Estate Residential Area and corresponding text in Section 5.17.4 to identify a minimum lot area of 0.81 hectares (2 acres); and
King Township’s Official Plan Review continues to progress!
Share King Township’s Official Plan Review continues to progress! on Facebook Share King Township’s Official Plan Review continues to progress! on Twitter Share King Township’s Official Plan Review continues to progress! on Linkedin Email King Township’s Official Plan Review continues to progress! linkWe are pleased to announce that the final draft Our King Official Plan (September 2019) will be presented to Council for consideration of adoption together with a recommendation report on Monday, September 23, 2019 (Council Chambers, King Township Municipal Centre, 2585 King Road, King City).
Thank You for Your Participation!
Share Thank You for Your Participation! on Facebook Share Thank You for Your Participation! on Twitter Share Thank You for Your Participation! on Linkedin Email Thank You for Your Participation! linkThe Official Plan Review Team thanks everyone for their comments and participation in the Township-wide Open House and Statutory Public Meeting that took place on June 27th, 2019.
We will continue to accept comments on the draft Our King Official Plan (June 2019) until July 31, 2019. Please send comments to Kristen Harrison, Policy Planner (
Follow Project
Life Cycle
Introduction of Our King: Township of King Official Plan
Official Plan Review has finished this stageOn Monday, March 18th the second Draft Our King Official Plan (March 2019) was introduced to the Committee of the Whole (Council).
Public Open Houses
Official Plan Review has finished this stagePublic Open Houses to discuss the Draft Our King Official Plan (March 2019) were held in King City (May 1, 2019), Nobleton (May 2, 2019), and Schomberg (May 8, 2019).
Final Draft Our King Official Plan (June 2019)
Official Plan Review has finished this stageKing Township’s proposed Our King Official Plan (June 2019) and schedules are now availble on Speaking!
Open House and Statutory Public Meeting
Official Plan Review has finished this stageAn Open House and a Statutory Public Meeting will take place on Thursday, June 27, 2019. Please refer to the Notice for all the details.
Comments on the Final Draft Our King Official Plan (June 2019)
Official Plan Review has finished this stageComments on the Final Draft Our King Official Plan (June 2019) will be accepted up until July 31, 2019. Submit comments via email to Kristen Harrison
Adoption of Our King Official Plan (September 2019)
Official Plan Review has finished this stageThe final draft Our King Official Plan (September 2019) will be presented to Council for consideration of adoption together with a recommendation report on Monday, September 23, 2019 (Council Chambers, King Township Municipal Centre, 2585 King Road, King City).
Approval of Our King Official Plan
Official Plan Review has finished this stageThe Our King Official Plan will be submitted to the Regional Municipality of York for approval. The Regional Municipality of York is the approval authority for the new Official Plan and may approve, modify and approve, or refuse to approve the Official Plan.
King Planning staff continues to work closely with York Region staff to address comments and modifications to the document. It is anticipated that York Region will make a decision on the Our King Official Plan in September 2020.
Notice of Decision
Official Plan Review is currently at this stageOn September 24, 2020, Regional Council approved the Township of King: Our King Official Plan, 2019, with modifications, and subject to 3 site-specific deferrals.
Together, the following 3 documents (see Document Library) form the York Region’s decision on the King Official Plan, 2019:
1. Notice of Decision
2. Approved Modifications to the King Official Plan, 2019
3. Deferrals
Key Dates
October 28 2020
October 08 2020
September 24 2020
August 10 2020
Who's listening
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