Our King: 2051 Official Plan Review

King has kicked off its Official Plan Review! Thank you to everyone who provided comments on the Introductory Discussion Paper that provided an overview of key themes that will be considered through the Official Plan Review.
The Official Plan affects every resident, business, and landowner in King Township. It establishes a comprehensive, long-term vision for the future of the Township as a whole and a detailed policy framework to guide growth in King. The current Official Plan – “Our King” - was approved by York Region in September 2020. This Review is an opportunity to update the Official Plan to guide growth in the Township to the year 2051, while preserving its unique characteristics.
The review and update of the Our King Official Plan is required to:
- Align with recent changes in Provincial policy and legislation, including the directive to “build more homes faster”.
- Integrate the relevant policies of the York Region Official Plan, 2022, which includes population and growth targets for King to 2051.
- Ensure the vision, objectives, and policies for King continues to meet the Township’s evolving needs.
The Official Plan Review will:
- Update the vision and policy framework to guide growth and development in the three Villages, the Hamlets, and the rural area.
- Determine how to accommodate population growth and support the development of complete communities.
- Determine how to accommodate employment growth with policies to address the changing nature of employment uses.
- Continue to promote the preservation of natural and cultural heritage resources by introducing stronger policies while providing flexibility where appropriate.
- Ensure the viability of the agricultural system, while providing opportunities for economic development and rural resiliency through enhanced policies for agriculture-related and on-farm diversified uses.
- Revisit the Township’s energy, climate change and sustainability policies to ensure that they are reflective of current standards and that they prepare King for a changing climate.
Stay informed and get involved!
Maintaining an open, consultative process throughout the Official Plan Review is essential to capture input residents, landowners and businesses owners. The Township will also be connecting with Indigenous and First Nations communities to ensure the Plan is responsive to the vision of all interest holders.
If you have comments, require further information, or would like to be added to the project mailing list, please email policyplanning@king.ca.
Subscribe on this page to receive emails for project updates and to receive details for upcoming meetings, surveys, and reports.
King has kicked off its Official Plan Review! Thank you to everyone who provided comments on the Introductory Discussion Paper that provided an overview of key themes that will be considered through the Official Plan Review.
The Official Plan affects every resident, business, and landowner in King Township. It establishes a comprehensive, long-term vision for the future of the Township as a whole and a detailed policy framework to guide growth in King. The current Official Plan – “Our King” - was approved by York Region in September 2020. This Review is an opportunity to update the Official Plan to guide growth in the Township to the year 2051, while preserving its unique characteristics.
The review and update of the Our King Official Plan is required to:
- Align with recent changes in Provincial policy and legislation, including the directive to “build more homes faster”.
- Integrate the relevant policies of the York Region Official Plan, 2022, which includes population and growth targets for King to 2051.
- Ensure the vision, objectives, and policies for King continues to meet the Township’s evolving needs.
The Official Plan Review will:
- Update the vision and policy framework to guide growth and development in the three Villages, the Hamlets, and the rural area.
- Determine how to accommodate population growth and support the development of complete communities.
- Determine how to accommodate employment growth with policies to address the changing nature of employment uses.
- Continue to promote the preservation of natural and cultural heritage resources by introducing stronger policies while providing flexibility where appropriate.
- Ensure the viability of the agricultural system, while providing opportunities for economic development and rural resiliency through enhanced policies for agriculture-related and on-farm diversified uses.
- Revisit the Township’s energy, climate change and sustainability policies to ensure that they are reflective of current standards and that they prepare King for a changing climate.
Stay informed and get involved!
Maintaining an open, consultative process throughout the Official Plan Review is essential to capture input residents, landowners and businesses owners. The Township will also be connecting with Indigenous and First Nations communities to ensure the Plan is responsive to the vision of all interest holders.
If you have comments, require further information, or would like to be added to the project mailing list, please email policyplanning@king.ca.
Subscribe on this page to receive emails for project updates and to receive details for upcoming meetings, surveys, and reports.
Reminder for Upcoming Council Meeting and to Share Your Thoughts!
Share Reminder for Upcoming Council Meeting and to Share Your Thoughts! on Facebook Share Reminder for Upcoming Council Meeting and to Share Your Thoughts! on Twitter Share Reminder for Upcoming Council Meeting and to Share Your Thoughts! on Linkedin Email Reminder for Upcoming Council Meeting and to Share Your Thoughts! linkThe Project Team would like to thank everyone who attended the recent Community Open Houses! The Open Houses provided an opportunity to learn more about the Official Plan Review and to provide input and ideas on how and where King should grow under the 2051 planning horizon. For those who were unable to attend the Open Houses, or wish to review the materials that were shared at the Open Houses further, the Schomberg presentation slides, King City and Nobleton presentation slides, and engagement worksheets can be found Document Library in the SpeaKING Project Page.
Also, don’t forget to complete the Growth Review Survey, or share your comments on the Discussion Papers by emailing policyplanning@king.ca by February 28, 2025.
Presentations to Council are scheduled for February 24, 2025 on the Phase 2 Findings of the Growth Management and Employment Land Strategies and on the Official Plan Review Draft Discussion Papers. To participate in the Council Meeting, watch the presentation, or submit comments visit: https://www.king.ca/meetings. The Staff Report will be available online at https://www.king.ca/meetings by Thursday February 20, 2025. For details on the Council meeting, including how to watch the presentation, submit comments and attend the meeting, visit: https://www.king.ca/meetings.
Your input is crucial to the success of this project, and we look forward to hearing from you!
Join the Conversation! New Discussion Papers Released for the Official Plan Review
Share Join the Conversation! New Discussion Papers Released for the Official Plan Review on Facebook Share Join the Conversation! New Discussion Papers Released for the Official Plan Review on Twitter Share Join the Conversation! New Discussion Papers Released for the Official Plan Review on Linkedin Email Join the Conversation! New Discussion Papers Released for the Official Plan Review linkThe Project Team is excited to announce the release of four new Discussion Papers as part of the ongoing Official Plan Review. These Papers start the conversation about growth in King, and provide preliminary directions for new policies that will shape and inform how people live, work, move and connect throughout the Township.
The Discussion Papers cover the following topics:
- Introduction and Context for the Official Plan Review
- Living in King
- Working in King
- Moving and Connecting in King
We encourage everyone to read the Discussion Papers and share their thoughts with the Project Team by completing the Growth Review survey, attending the last Community Open House in Nobleton, answering the questions on the Worksheets, or by emailing their comments to policyplanning@king.ca. Your feedback is crucial in helping to create a Plan that reflects the needs and aspirations of our community.
The Project Team would also like to thank everyone who has attended the recent open houses. Your participation and input is greatly appreciated and plays a vital role in this important process. If you have not had an opportunity to attend an open house, the last Community Open House for this Phase of the Official Plan Review will be held in Nobleton at the Dr. William Laceby Arena on January 29, 2025 from 6:00pm - 8:00pm with a presentation at 6:30pm. If you are unable to attend the Open House, the presentation slides are available online (click here for Schomberg and here for King City and Nobleton). The Project Team notes that minor modifications were made to the presentation following the Schomberg Open House to add two new slides that break down the population and employment forecasts for King.
Thank you for your continued participation in the Official Plan Review, and we look forward to engaging with you as the Project progresses! The Growth Review survey will be open for one more month, and the Project Team requests all comments to be submitted by February 28, 2025.
If you wish to be added to the mailing list, or if you have any questions, visit the Official Plan Review page on SpeaKING, or contact the Project Team at policyplanning@king.ca.
Have Your Say! Complete the Survey & Join Us at Upcoming Open Houses!
Share Have Your Say! Complete the Survey & Join Us at Upcoming Open Houses! on Facebook Share Have Your Say! Complete the Survey & Join Us at Upcoming Open Houses! on Twitter Share Have Your Say! Complete the Survey & Join Us at Upcoming Open Houses! on Linkedin Email Have Your Say! Complete the Survey & Join Us at Upcoming Open Houses! linkExciting news! The Project Team is thrilled to announce that the Official Plan Review (OPR) Survey is now open!
Let us know how you envision your community to 2051, what aspects of your community are most important to you and any challenges you may find in your community. The Survey can be by clicking the icon below and will be open until February 28th, 2025.
For any assistance filling out the survey, please contact policyplanning@king.ca. The survey is also available in a fillable PDF format upon request. Check back for the OPR discussion papers, which will be released in the coming days, providing in-depth insights on the following topics:
- Introduction and Context for the 2051 Official Plan Review;
- Living in King;
- Working in King; and
- Moving and Connecting in King.
Don’t forget to mark your calendars for our upcoming open houses, where you can engage directly with the project team about the Official Plan. All Open Houses will be conducted in the same format and will cover the same materials. Please see the Open House Details Below:
- Date: Thursday January 16, 2025
- Time: Drop in between 6pm and 8pm, with a presentation at 6:30pm
- Location: Trisan Centre, 25 Dillane Drive, Schomberg
King City
- Date: Wednesday January 22, 2025
- Time: Drop in between 6pm and 8pm, with a presentation at 6:30pm
- Location: Council Chambers in the Municipal Centre, 2585 King Road, King City
- Date: Wednesday January 29, 2025
- Time: Drop in between 6pm and 8pm, with a presentation at 6:30pm
- Location: Arena Hall, Dr. William Laceby Community Centre and Arena, 15 Old King Road, Nobleton
If you are unable to join us in person, presentation materials will be available on the SpeaKING Project page following the Open Houses. If you wish to be added to the mailing list, or if you have any questions, visit the Official Plan Review page on SpeaKING, or contact the Project Team at policyplanning@king.ca.
Your participation is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to hearing from you!
Upcoming Community Open Houses
Share Upcoming Community Open Houses on Facebook Share Upcoming Community Open Houses on Twitter Share Upcoming Community Open Houses on Linkedin Email Upcoming Community Open Houses linkThe Project Team is excited to invite you to the first set of Open Houses on King's Official Plan Review! The Official Plan Review provides an opportunity to deliver an updated Official Plan that will ensure that the Township balances its anticipated growth with preserving its unique characteristics.
This first round of Open Houses will focus on the topics of: Living in King, Working in King, and Moving and Connecting in King. Join us at any of the upcoming Open Houses to provide your inputs, thoughts and ideas as to how King should grow to the year 2051. All Open Houses will be conducted in the same format and will cover the same materials.
- Date: Thursday January 16, 2025
- Time: Drop in between 6pm and 8pm, with a presentation at 6:30pm
- Location: Trisan Centre, 25 Dillane Drive, Schomberg
King City
- Date: Wednesday January 22, 2025
- Time: Drop in between 6pm and 8pm, with a presentation at 6:30pm
- Location: Council Chambers in the Municipal Centre, 2585 King Road, King City
- Date: Wednesday January 29, 2025
- Time: Drop in between 6pm and 8pm, with a presentation at 6:30pm
- Location: Arena Hall, Dr. William Laceby Community Centre and Arena, 15 Old King Road, Nobleton
If you are unable to join us in person, presentation materials will be available on the SpeaKING Project page following the Open Houses. If you wish to be added to the mailing list, or if you have any questions, visit the Official Plan Review page on SpeaKING, or contact the Project Team at policyplanning@king.ca.
Upcoming Presentation to Council - September 23, 2024
Share Upcoming Presentation to Council - September 23, 2024 on Facebook Share Upcoming Presentation to Council - September 23, 2024 on Twitter Share Upcoming Presentation to Council - September 23, 2024 on Linkedin Email Upcoming Presentation to Council - September 23, 2024 linkThank you to everyone who attended the Public Open House on the Phase 1 findings of the Township's Growth Management and Employment Land Strategies. The Open House provided an opportunity to learn more about the forecasted population and employment growth in King, and the overall community and employment land needs to 2051. For those who were unable to attend the Open House, or wish to review the materials that were shared at the Open House further, the Phase 1 Report and presentation slides are now available in the Document Library on the SpeaKING Project Page.
The Project continues to progress, and a presentation to Council on the Phase 1 findings is scheduled for September 23, 2024. To participate in the Council Meeting, watch the presentation or submit comments visit: https://www.king.ca/meetings. The Council meeting agenda and Report to Council are also available on the Township's website.
If you wish to be added to the mailing list, have questions, or would like to submit formal comments on the Growth Management and Employment Land Strategies, please contact the Project Team at policyplanning@king.ca. Please submit all comments by October 4, 2024. We look forward to engaging with you further as the Strategies progress.
Upcoming Public Open House - Growth Management and Employment Land Strategies
Share Upcoming Public Open House - Growth Management and Employment Land Strategies on Facebook Share Upcoming Public Open House - Growth Management and Employment Land Strategies on Twitter Share Upcoming Public Open House - Growth Management and Employment Land Strategies on Linkedin Email Upcoming Public Open House - Growth Management and Employment Land Strategies linkJoin us on Monday September 16, 2024 for a Public Open House on the Township's Growth Management and Employment Land Strategies.
This Open House offers an excellent opportunity for community members to learn more about these crucial strategies which will guide the Township’s growth and development. Attendees will have the chance to explore:
- King’s growth context and local trends;
- Population, housing and employment forecasts up to 2051; and
- Employment and community land needs through 2051.
The Growth Management and Employment Land Strategies are key components of the Township’s ongoing Official Plan Review. They will provide strategic policy direction within the Provincial and Regional planning framework.
Residents are encouraged to drop in, listen to the presentation, engage with the project team and share their ideas on how King should grow.
Date: Monday September 16, 2024
Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm, with a presentation at 6:30pm
Location: Council Chambers, King Township Municipal Centre, 2585 King Road, King CityIf you are unable to join us in person, presentation materials will be available following the Open Houses. If you wish to be added to the mailing list, or if you have any questions, visit the Official Plan Review page on SpeaKING, or contact the Project Team at policyplanning@king.ca.
Thank you for your participation!
Share Thank you for your participation! on Facebook Share Thank you for your participation! on Twitter Share Thank you for your participation! on Linkedin Email Thank you for your participation! linkThank you to everyone who attended the Virtual Public Open House on King's Growth Management Strategy! We appreciated receiving your comments, thoughts and ideas during the Open House.
The presentation slides are available in the Document Library should you wish to review the materials that were shared during the Open House. The Open House was also recorded which provides an opportunity to hear the questions and comments that were received by the Project Team.
The Project Team thanks you again for your participation and looks forward to hearing your thoughts and comments as the Project progresses. If you have any questions, or wish to submit additional comments, please contact the Project Team at policyplanning@king.ca, or at 289-800-2656.
Growth Management Strategy - Virtual Open House
Share Growth Management Strategy - Virtual Open House on Facebook Share Growth Management Strategy - Virtual Open House on Twitter Share Growth Management Strategy - Virtual Open House on Linkedin Email Growth Management Strategy - Virtual Open House linkJoin us for a Virtual Public Open House!
The Project Team invites you to join us for a Virtual Open House on Tuesday, May 14, 2024 from 5:00pm - 7:00pm.
The Open House will provide an opportunity to learn about King's Growth Management Strategy, which will assess future residential growth, density patterns, housing types and land needs to the year 2051. The Strategy will be a foundational document in the Township's Official Plan Review and will provide strategic policy direction within the Provincial and Regional planning framework.
Pre-registration is required and closes at 4:00pm the day of the Open House. To register for the Open House and receive the meeting link please contact the Project Team at policyplanning@king.ca.
We look forward to you joining us!
Introductory Discussion Paper
Share Introductory Discussion Paper on Facebook Share Introductory Discussion Paper on Twitter Share Introductory Discussion Paper on Linkedin Email Introductory Discussion Paper linkThe Introductory Discussion Paper is now available in the Document Library!
To initiate the Official Plan Review the Project Team has prepared an Introductory Discussion Paper that provides an overview on key topics that will be considered through the Official Plan Review, while serving as a basis for getting the conversation started and obtaining initial Council and public input.
The Discussion Paper identifies the principal areas for review, outlines the proposed next steps in the Official Plan Review, and public engagement considerations for the Project.
As we start the Review, the Project Team invites you to check out the video below to start the conversation and learn more about the Review process. Let's plan Our King together!
Special Meeting of Council - September 26, 2023
Share Special Meeting of Council - September 26, 2023 on Facebook Share Special Meeting of Council - September 26, 2023 on Twitter Share Special Meeting of Council - September 26, 2023 on Linkedin Email Special Meeting of Council - September 26, 2023 linkThe Project Team is excited to announce the initiation of the Official Plan Review! On September 26, 2023 the Township will be holding a Special Meeting of Council to introduce the Official Plan Review project to the public. The meeting provides an initial opportunity for public comment on issues that should be considered through the Review process.
The Township's current Official Plan was adopted by Township Council in 2019 and was approved by York Region in 2020 and has a planning horizon to the year 2031. The Township's Official Plan Review will guide growth within King to the planning horizon of 2051.
The Township is reviewing the Our King Official Plan to:
- Align with recent changes in Provincial policy and legislation.
- Conform to the York Region Official Plan (2022).
- Ensure the vision for King continues to meet the Township's evolving needs.
The Project Team appreciates everyone's input in the Official Plan Review! To start the conversation, an Introductory Discussion Paper will be available on the SpeaKING project page on September 20, 2023.For more details regarding the Special Meeting of Council, including details on how to participate please review the Notice of Special Meeting of Council in the Documents Library. We look forward to your participation in this exciting undertaking!
Stay informed and get involved!
We encourage your comments now and throughout the course of the Review. If you have comments, require further information, or would like to be added to the project mailing list, please email policyplanning@king.ca.
Subscribe for project updates on this page to receive emails with details on upcoming meetings, surveys, and reports.
Get in touch with project management staff Aloma Dreher, Senior Policy Planner, at 289-800-2656 or Kristen Harrison, Manager of Policy Planning, at 905-833-4065.
Follow Project
Key Dates
February 24 2025
January 2025
September 23 2024
September 16 2024
May 14 2024
Official Plan Review - Growth Review & Preliminary Directions
Discussion Paper 1: Introduction and Context (4.46 MB) (pdf)
Discussion Paper 2: Living in King (4.46 MB) (pdf)
Discussion Paper 3: Working in King (8.19 MB) (pdf)
Discussion Paper 4: Moving and Connecting in King (4.47 MB) (pdf)
Schomberg Open House Presentation_January 2025 (5.53 MB) (pdf)
King City and Nobleton Open House Presentation_January 2025 (4.91 MB) (pdf)
King Open House Worksheets_January 2025 (14.7 MB) (pdf)
King GMS - Public Open House Presentation 3 (September 16, 2024).pdf (461 KB) (pdf)
King GMS and ELS - Summary of Phase 1 Findings Report.pdf (908 KB) (pdf)
King GMS - Public Open House Presentation (May 14, 2024).pdf (3.23 MB) (pdf)
Special Meeting of Council - September 26, 2023
Click here to play video Official Plan Review: Let's Plan Our King Together!
Click here to play video Growth Management Strategy Public Open House A Virtual Public Open House was held on Tuesday May 14, 2024 from 5:00pm - 7:00pm on the Township's Growth Management Strategy. The Open House provided an opportunity to learn about King's Growth Management Strategy, which will assess future growth, density patterns, housing types and land needs to the year 2051. The Strategy will be a foundational document in the Township's Official Plan Review and will provide strategic policy direction within the Provincial and Regional planning framework.
Who's Listening
Phone 289-800-2656 Email policyplanning@king.ca -
Phone 905-833-4065 Email policyplanning@king.ca
Growth Review and Directions
Our King: 2051 Official Plan Review is currently at this stageProvide your input and feedback on how King should grow to 2051.
Community Review and Directions
this is an upcoming stage for Our King: 2051 Official Plan ReviewThis Phase will provide an opportunity to provide your feedback on community needs, and King's natural heritage and agricultural systems.
Draft Official Plan Amendments
this is an upcoming stage for Our King: 2051 Official Plan ReviewThis Phase will provide an opportunity to provide your input on the proposed structure of the Amendments to the Our King Official Plan.
Final Official Plan Amendments
this is an upcoming stage for Our King: 2051 Official Plan ReviewThis Phase will involve the refinement of the Official Plan Amendment and the presentation of the final amendments to Council to recommend adoption.
Key Dates
February 20 2025