Schomberg Heritage Conservation District
The Township of King is considering to undertake a Heritage Conservation District (HCD) Study along Main Street and surrounding areas in the Village of Schomberg.
At the September 11, 2023 Council meeting, a motion was made by Council to direct staff to prepare a feasibility report outlining the costs, timelines, process and benefits associated with the preparation of a Heritage Conservation District under the Ontario Heritage Act for properties along Main Street Corridor and surrounding area in the Village of Schomberg. The preparation of this report is underway and is anticipated to return to Council on October 30, 2023 for further discussion. No decision has been determined by Council for any work to be completed for a heritage conservation district.
This project page serves as an information page for residents and those interested in understanding the process associated with the development and creation of a heritage conservation district. The page will be updated if a decision by Council is made to advance the project further.
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The Village of Schomberg grew around the land and activities of the Brown brothers, Pennsylvania Quakers, who arrived in the 1830s. Before long there was a mill, a bank, general stores, a tannery, a blacksmith shop, a wagon shop, two shoe shops serving the 1850 population of 100. The community was first named Brownsville but the coming of the post office in 1862 saw the name change to Schomberg in honour of the Duke of Schomberg. Prosperity continued with the 1902 arrival of the Aurora & Schomberg Railway terminus.
There are currently 27 non-Designated (Listed) properties on the Township's Heritage Register and a minimum of 66 properties identified as Built Heritage Inventory.
The properties in the Village Core rests along Main Street and its surrounding area is rich in history, culture, natural attractions, and heritage. The vision is to protect these cultural heritage resources to the greatest extent possible for future generations as they reflect the unique character and identity of Schomberg. The unique character and identity of the Village Core contributes to a unique opportunity and environment for business, residents and tourists to thrive.
While individual property designation is successful at preserving individual properties, the Village of Schomberg is considering a Heritage Conservation District (HCD) designation for Main Street corridor and surrounding area to protect the historic character and landscapes of a defined community area.
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Hello fellow Schombergers! I love you guys and I really like the fact that we are a community who can discuss important topics. A community who loves to work together to execute amazing events in the community that is looking to the future for our children. Bearing that in mind I absolutely do not support this byelaw initiative conservation is an activity that should be property specific and be based upon specific reasoning. The reasoning should be thawed out. It should be intellectual and it should not be restrictive for the creative contribution of the owner. It should not force properties to stay in a state of stasis. It should not restrict homeowners from being creatively expressive about their property. it should not prevent change. Change is required to accommodate future generations of families. Future technologies that may allow us to reduce our carbon imprint. If you prevent change in construction, then you will limit our ability to build green buildings on Main Street in Schaumburg, you will prevent the spaces from being allocated in a sensible way that will allow for new families to play and gather. Looking at case studies from other municipalities, where they have assigned a blanket conservation district in two streets one can find many examples where restrictive government byelaws have made for senseless suffering to the homeowners. There are examples where homeowners wanted to do something beautiful, and where the byelaws prevented them from making those changes. There are examples where homeowners have rebuilt a home completely very similar to what it was before, but change the colouring of the brick or of the roof, and been told that they will be fined by the municipal government. A byelaw of the sort in a small community like ours is inappropriate. It is inappropriately restrictive, and it is absolutely lazy. There are not that many properties that should be considered for preservation. But the question then again is who decides what to preserve and what not to preserve? Who should be the one who has the final say I do believe that as a community we should have a dialogue, and that is normally why there are meetings. Council meetings where individuals can express their opinion. Please if you have an interest in allowing for a future on Main Street in Church St, where we are each able to make our individual contribution to the landscape. Please do not support this bylaw. Yes, conservative actions are important, but they must be done in a thoughtful way and on an individual basis.
Hi Ray, my comment has been edited for clarity. Thanks ๐๐ผ
I would also have to disagree with the content of this pamphlet stating that insurance would not be effected. I work closely with an architect who has heritage licensing and insurance among other things like the willingness of banks to re mortgage properties would definitely come into play. Quite frankly I am surprised over this pamphlet getting out with a King Township logo on it.
My family and friends are excited that King is finally looking into this. We have been waiting for action related to the built form and heritage on Main Street for many years, with not much luck: streetscaping plans, urban design guidelines, and other methods for helping this community stand out. Schomberg needs to get the recognition it deserves as a small-town destination (and occasional film set!) just north of the big city. It's an economic driver that many of us would like taken advantage of, and also helps us tell our history and define our future. I think an HCD is a great method for formalizing the story, look, and feel of this community, while providing additional support for the plans and amenities we've been asking for. Looking forward to the results of the study!
Can you confirm if the boundary of the possible HCD may change with the outcome of the study? Can you also confirm if all properties will be impacted by the HCD, or will it only affect those with potential or existing heritage value? Thank you.
I am strongly against this. The town has great charm and personality and it's getting better and better. This is likely to reduce house values as it limits possible buyers who are okay with this concept. Has an impact assessment of house values been completed? Limiting the homeowners for the betterment of the town sounds like an HOA, which are notoriously awful.
I am strongly against this concept. Schomberg is getting better all the time and we donโt need more hurdles to jump over to get it even nicer.