Let's Think Green!
In King, we have always demonstrated commitment to preserving our natural resources and quality of life. This is our foundation for living, working, and acting sustainably. Planning for sustainability means thinking ahead – in a way that ensures the needs of King's current residents will be met, without compromising the ability of the Township to meet the needs of future generations.
In 2012 King embarked on a journey to create the Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (ICSP), a resource that defines the future for the Township of King, community groups, businesses, local organizations and the broader public. It guides and directs how we make decisions, develop partnerships and take action. The plan promotes community vitality and prosperity while respecting, preserving and restoring.
Through the creation of the ICSP, the Township developed a Sustainable King Development Standards Checklist to encourage the integration of sustainable design elements and features into new developments. While all development must comply with the Ontario Building Code, the Township encourages the use of higher performance standards that exceed minimum standard requirements.
The Sustainable King: Green Development Standards (GDS) go beyond the Checklist by creating a tool that can be used to evaluate new development applications. The GDS is made up of four sections: Green Infrastructure, Natural Heritage, Efficiency and Conservation, and Healthy Communities. Development applications will receive a score based on the sustainable features and elements incorporated into the proposed development. Please refer to the "Document Library" for the draft Guidelines and Metrics for the Green Development Standards program.
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