ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program
The ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program was endorsed by Council on May 13, 2024. ThinKING Green is a new green development standards program for the Township which expands upon and replaces the Sustainable King: Green Development Standards Program.
The ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program has been developed to expand upon the Township's sustainability initiatives. The program establishes metrics that will be used to evaluate the sustainable performance of new development in King Township. The metrics established through this program represent the vision for the Township and the Township’s overarching goal of creating a sustainable, resilient and healthy community for all. ThinKING Green came into effect for all Site Plan and Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications submitted on or after September 1, 2024.
As part of the implementation of ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program, the Project Team is exploring incentive opportunities for the program. This Project Page provides project updates and more.
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The ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program was endorsed by Council on May 13, 2024. ThinKING Green is a new green development standards program for the Township which expands upon and replaces the Sustainable King: Green Development Standards Program.
The ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program has been developed to expand upon the Township's sustainability initiatives. The program establishes metrics that will be used to evaluate the sustainable performance of new development in King Township. The metrics established through this program represent the vision for the Township and the Township’s overarching goal of creating a sustainable, resilient and healthy community for all. ThinKING Green came into effect for all Site Plan and Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications submitted on or after September 1, 2024.
As part of the implementation of ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program, the Project Team is exploring incentive opportunities for the program. This Project Page provides project updates and more.
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Exploring Incentive Opportunities for the ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program
Share Exploring Incentive Opportunities for the ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program on Facebook Share Exploring Incentive Opportunities for the ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program on Twitter Share Exploring Incentive Opportunities for the ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program on Linkedin Email Exploring Incentive Opportunities for the ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program linkAs part of the implementation of ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program, the Township is exploring opportunities for incentives. The Project Team is excited to announce that a Report to Council is being brought forward on Monday March 17, 2025 at 6:00pm.
The Staff Report will be available online at by Thursday March 13, 2025. For details on the Council meeting, including how to watch the presentation, submit comments and attend the meeting, visit:
Transition to ThinKING Green
Share Transition to ThinKING Green on Facebook Share Transition to ThinKING Green on Twitter Share Transition to ThinKING Green on Linkedin Email Transition to ThinKING Green linkThe ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program was endorsed by Council on May 13, 2024. ThinKING Green is a new green development standards program for the Township which expands upon and replaces the Sustainable King: Green Development Standards Program. ThinKING Green will come into effect for all Site Plan and Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications submitted on or after September 1, 2024.
To assist in the transition from Sustainable King to ThinKING Green, the Project Team has prepared the ThinKING Green Applicant Information Guide which provides a breakdown of the program requirements, purpose, submission process, and program scoring. The Applicant Information Guide can be referred to together with the Program Handbook when preparing to submit a development application.
For more information about the development application review process and to determine whether ThinKING Green is applicable to your development concept please refer to the Township's Green Development Standards webpage, use the Ask King Planning Inquiry Service, or visit the Development Applications webpage.
Council Endorsement of ThinKING Green
Share Council Endorsement of ThinKING Green on Facebook Share Council Endorsement of ThinKING Green on Twitter Share Council Endorsement of ThinKING Green on Linkedin Email Council Endorsement of ThinKING Green linkThe Project Team is excited to announce that the ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program was endorsed by Council on May 13, 2024. The Project Team thanks everyone who has submitted comments and participated in the development of the Program.
ThinKING Green focuses on implementing the sustainability policies outlined in the Township's Our King Official Plan for new development applications and encourages all new development to protect and enhance both natural and urban environments while utilizing efficient, innovative and sustainable measures. ThinKING Green will come into effect for all Site Plan and Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications submitted on or after September 1, 2024.
The final Council endorsed ThinKING Green is available in the Document Library, and includes the modifications approved by Council at the May 13th meeting to Metrics 3.5a and 3.5b. For more information on the Program, the final Report to Council identifies changes to the Program and the proposed approach to implementation.
ThinKING Green, as well as the Township's previous sustainable development program, Sustainable King, are now available on the Township's website.
Please contain the Project Team at, or at 289-800-2656 if you have any questions.
ThinKING Green Recommendation to Council
Share ThinKING Green Recommendation to Council on Facebook Share ThinKING Green Recommendation to Council on Twitter Share ThinKING Green Recommendation to Council on Linkedin Email ThinKING Green Recommendation to Council linkThe Project Team is pleased to announce that the final draft of the ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Standards will be presented to Council for consideration of adoption on Monday May 13, 2024 at 6:00pm. We thank everyone for their feedback and comments. The final draft builds on the previous drafts of the Program, and takes into consideration the feedback that has been received throughout its preparation, including comments received since the presentation to Council in January 2024, and comments received since the March 2024 draft was published.
The Staff Report will be available online at: by Friday May 10, 2024. Should you wish to participate in the May 13 meeting you can submit written comments or register to speak to Council in person or virtually. Please review the process for public participation at:
Any comments or questions can also be sent to the Project Team at We look forward to receiving your ideas and input!
Final Draft of ThinKING Green
Share Final Draft of ThinKING Green on Facebook Share Final Draft of ThinKING Green on Twitter Share Final Draft of ThinKING Green on Linkedin Email Final Draft of ThinKING Green linkThe Project Team is pleased to announce that the final draft of the ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Standards is available in the Document Library on the SpeaKING Project Page.
The final draft of ThinKING Green is scheduled to return to Council in May 2024 for Council's consideration. The final draft builds on the previous drafts of the Program, and takes into consideration the feedback that has been received throughout its preparation. All input received prior to April 15, 2024 will be taken into consideration and responded to in a Comment Response Matrix that will be presented to Council with the final draft in May.
Any comments or questions can also be sent to the Project Team at We look forward to receiving your ideas and input!
Updated Draft ThinKING Green
Share Updated Draft ThinKING Green on Facebook Share Updated Draft ThinKING Green on Twitter Share Updated Draft ThinKING Green on Linkedin Email Updated Draft ThinKING Green linkThe Project Team thanks everyone who has provided input and comments on the first draft of the ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program.
An updated draft of ThinKING Green is available in the Document Library. The updated draft continues to focus on implementing the sustainability policies outlined in the Township's Our King Official Plan for new development applications, particularly Site Plan Development and Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications, and encourages all new development to protect and enhance both natural and urban environments while utilizing efficient, innovative and sustainable measures.
All input received prior to January 12, 2024 has been taken into consideration throughout the review and has resulted in a number of changes in the new draft. Key community priorities have been also determined based on the input and feedback received in response to the first draft, and have been summarized in the Consultation Summary, available in the Document Library.
The Project Team continues to seek input from the community regarding the draft Program. Any comments or questions can also be sent to the Project Team at Please provide your comments, questions and feedback by March 1, 2024. We look forward to receiving your ideas and input!
ThinKING Green! A New Sustainable Development Program
Share ThinKING Green! A New Sustainable Development Program on Facebook Share ThinKING Green! A New Sustainable Development Program on Twitter Share ThinKING Green! A New Sustainable Development Program on Linkedin Email ThinKING Green! A New Sustainable Development Program linkThe Project Team is happy to announce that the draft for the new ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program is now available in the Document Library on the SpeaKING Project Page!
ThinKING Green has been developed to expand upon and replace the Township's current Sustainable King: Green Development Standards Program. ThinKING Green builds upon the Sustainable King: Green Development Standards Program by introducing a new Principle Area to the Program, and a number of new sustainability metrics. The Program also provides a new method for evaluating the sustainable performance of new development through the assignment of a Sustainability Score.
ThinKING Green implements the sustainability policies outlined in the Township's Our King Official Plan and aligns with the goals of the Township's Corporate Strategic Plan. The Program is also proposed to apply to all Site Plan Development and Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications to ensure that all new development aligns with the Township's vision of a sustainable, healthy and resilient community.
ThinKING Green encourages all new development to protect and enhance the natural environment while utilizing efficient, innovative and sustainable measures. The sustainability metrics propose to reduce the environmental and carbon footprint of developments by incorporating alternative energy sources, innovative landscaping, and green technologies. The metrics also promote the identification, protection, enhancement, and restoration of the natural environment. New metrics have also been included to support the development of healthy communities through encouraging mixed-use development and a range of housing types in proximity to services and amenities.
All Site Plan Development Applications submitted under Site Plan Control By-law 2022-052, as amended (or its successor), and all Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications that do not require a subsequent Site Plan Development Application are proposed to be required to address the requirements of ThinKING Green as part of a Complete Application through the submission of the ThinKING Green Program Table (Appendix A).
The Project Team appreciates all feedback on the new Program! If you have any questions, comments or thoughts please contact Aloma Dreher, Senior Policy Planner at, or at 905-833-5321, ext. 1004 by July 31, 2023. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Program Expansion - Sustainable King: Green Development Standards Program
Share Program Expansion - Sustainable King: Green Development Standards Program on Facebook Share Program Expansion - Sustainable King: Green Development Standards Program on Twitter Share Program Expansion - Sustainable King: Green Development Standards Program on Linkedin Email Program Expansion - Sustainable King: Green Development Standards Program linkThe Project Team are happy to announce that the draft for the first expansion to the Sustainable King: Green Development Standards Program is now available in the Document Library on the SpeaKING project page! The Sustainable King: Green Development Standards Program – Single Family Dwellings has been developed to expand upon the sustainability policies outlined in the Township’s Our King Official Plan and Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (Sustainable King), and to build upon the Program as released in 2020. This Program expansion is proposed to apply to Site Plan applications for single family dwellings throughout the Township to ensure that all new development aligns with the vision of sustainability for the community.
The Sustainable King: Green Development Standards Program – Single Family Dwellings encourages new dwellings and residential development to protect and enhance the natural environment while utilizing efficient, innovative and sustainable measures. The development metrics propose to reduce the environmental and carbon footprint of developments by incorporating alternative energy sources, innovative landscaping, and green technologies. The metrics also encourage the identification, protection, enhancement, and restoration of the natural environment.
All Site Plan Applications for single family dwellings submitted to the Township under the Planning Act in accordance with Site Plan Control By-law 2022-054, as amended (or its successor), are proposed to be required to address the metrics of the Program as part of a Complete Application through the submission of the Sustainable King: Green Development Standards Program Table (Appendix A).
The Project Team appreciates all feedback on the proposed Program Expansion! If you have any questions, comments or thoughts please contact Aloma Dreher, Senior Policy Planner at, or at 905-833-5321, ext. 1004 by November 14, 2022. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Sustainable King: Green Development Standards In Effect!
Share Sustainable King: Green Development Standards In Effect! on Facebook Share Sustainable King: Green Development Standards In Effect! on Twitter Share Sustainable King: Green Development Standards In Effect! on Linkedin Email Sustainable King: Green Development Standards In Effect! linkThe Sustainable King: Green Development Standards was adopted by Township of King Council on November 16, 2020. The Standards will come into effect on February 1, 2021 following a transition period. The Planning Division Report from November 16, 2020 is available here:
Draft Proposed Modifications to Sustainable King: Green Development Standards
Share Draft Proposed Modifications to Sustainable King: Green Development Standards on Facebook Share Draft Proposed Modifications to Sustainable King: Green Development Standards on Twitter Share Draft Proposed Modifications to Sustainable King: Green Development Standards on Linkedin Email Draft Proposed Modifications to Sustainable King: Green Development Standards linkPlease be advised that the Township's Growth Management Services Department is scheduled to report to the Council of the Township of King (Committee of the Whole) with a recommendation report to adopt the Sustainable King: Green Development Standards Program at the November 16, 2020 Council/Committee Meeting:
Monday, November 16, 2020 at 6:00 P.M.
(Electronic Meeting during an Emergency, pursuant to Section 238(3.3) of the Municipal Act, 2001)
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the Municipal Centre is closed.
This Special Council and Committee of the Whole meeting will be held remotely (virtually) and live streamed at
Report and Modifications:
The Growth Management Services Department report regarding this matter will be available on the Township's web-site (, or by contacting the Growth Management Services Department by Friday, November 13, 2020.
On November 10, 2020, a copy of the draft metrics will be made available in the document library.
To comment in writing, please send written comments to the Clerk's Office at no later than Monday, November 16 at 12:00 p.m. (noon). Written comments will be circulated to Members of Council prior to the start of the Meeting and will become part of the formal record of the meeting. To speak to Council virtually about an agenda item, you must register by contacting the Clerk’s Office at 905-833-4068 or email no later than Monday, November 16, 2020 at 12:00 p.m. (noon). When your registration is received, a confirmation message and instructions for participating in the virtual public meeting will be provided.
Please provide your full name, address, contact details and the item you wish to speak to when contacting the Clerks Department. Please note that all comments will become part of the public record.
Additional Information:
For further information on the development of the Sustainable King: Green Development Standards Program, please visit the Sustainable King: Green Development Standards page on Speaking or contact Aloma Dreher, Planner II at or at 905-833-5321, ext. 1004.
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Document Library
ThinKING Green - Final_endorsed May 2024_withform.pdf (2.3 MB) (pdf)
2024_ThinKING Green Applicant Information Guide.pdf (803 KB) (pdf)
ThinKing Green - April 2024 Draft_Final.pdf (2.16 MB) (pdf)
ThinKing Green: Sustainable Development Standards - March 2024 Final Draft (2.18 MB) (pdf)
ThinKing Green: Sustainable Development Standards - January 2024 Draft.pdf (2.17 MB) (pdf)
What We Heard - ThinKING Green - January 2024.pdf (147 KB) (pdf)
ThinKING Green Sustainable Development Program - June 2023 Draft.pdf (2.27 MB) (pdf)
Sustainable King: Green Development Standards - 2022 Program Expansion
Sustainable King: Green Development Standards - 2020 & 2021
Sustainable King: Green Development Standards Metric Handbook - Final Draft.pdf (801 KB) (pdf)
Sustainable King: Green Development Standards Program Table - Final Draft.pdf (449 KB) (pdf)
Sustainable King: Green Development Standards Guidelines - Final Draft.pdf (419 KB) (pdf)
Sustainable King Green Development Standards Guideline - March draft (230 KB) (pdf)
Sustainable King Green Development Standards Table - March Draft (542 KB) (pdf)
Sustainable King Green Development Standards Metric Handbook - March draft (532 KB) (pdf)
Key Dates
Who's listening
Phone 289-800-2562 Email -
Phone 289-800-2656 Email
Project Timeline
ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program has finished this stageThe Sustainable King: Green Development Standards has been adopted by King Township Council and will come into effect February 1, 2021.
ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program has finished this stageThis consultation is Open for contributions.
Under Review
ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program has finished this stageContributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review. The Project team will report back on key outcomes.
Recommendation for Adoption
ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program has finished this stageThe recommendation report to adopt the Sustainable King: Green Development Standards is scheduled to be heard November 16, 2020.
Open - Program Expansion
ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program has finished this stageThis consultation is open for contribution! A new Program, ThinKING Green, is proposed to replace and expand upon the Sustainable King: Green Development Standards Program. Please provide any comments, questions and/or input by February 1, 2024.
Endorsement of ThinKING Green
ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program has finished this stageThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program was endorsed by Council on May 13, 2024.
ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program is currently at this stageThinKING Green has come into effect for all Site Plan and Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications submitted on or after September 1, 2024. For more information on program requirements and the purpose of ThinKING Green, review the ThinKING Green Applicant Information Guide.