Updated Draft ThinKING Green

The Project Team thanks everyone who has provided input and comments on the first draft of the ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program.
An updated draft of ThinKING Green is available in the Document Library. The updated draft continues to focus on implementing the sustainability policies outlined in the Township's Our King Official Plan for new development applications, particularly Site Plan Development and Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications, and encourages all new development to protect and enhance both natural and urban environments while utilizing efficient, innovative and sustainable measures.
All input received prior to January 12, 2024 has been taken into consideration throughout the review and has resulted in a number of changes in the new draft. Key community priorities have been also determined based on the input and feedback received in response to the first draft, and have been summarized in the Consultation Summary, available in the Document Library.
The Project Team continues to seek input from the community regarding the draft Program. Any comments or questions can also be sent to the Project Team at policyplanning@king.ca. Please provide your comments, questions and feedback by March 1, 2024. We look forward to receiving your ideas and input!