ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program
The ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program was endorsed by Council on May 13, 2024. ThinKING Green is a new green development standards program for the Township which expands upon and replaces the Sustainable King: Green Development Standards Program.
The ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program has been developed to expand upon the Township's sustainability initiatives. The program establishes metrics that will be used to evaluate the sustainable performance of new development in King Township. The metrics established through this program represent the vision for the Township and the Township’s overarching goal of creating a sustainable, resilient and healthy community for all. ThinKING Green came into effect for all Site Plan and Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications submitted on or after September 1, 2024.
As part of the implementation of ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program, the Project Team is exploring incentive opportunities for the program. This Project Page provides project updates and more.
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The ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program was endorsed by Council on May 13, 2024. ThinKING Green is a new green development standards program for the Township which expands upon and replaces the Sustainable King: Green Development Standards Program.
The ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program has been developed to expand upon the Township's sustainability initiatives. The program establishes metrics that will be used to evaluate the sustainable performance of new development in King Township. The metrics established through this program represent the vision for the Township and the Township’s overarching goal of creating a sustainable, resilient and healthy community for all. ThinKING Green came into effect for all Site Plan and Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications submitted on or after September 1, 2024.
As part of the implementation of ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program, the Project Team is exploring incentive opportunities for the program. This Project Page provides project updates and more.
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Please share your questions.
Share Carbon footprint definition Should it be clarified that the measurement does not include the full chain. E.g. account for fact that X% (??) of electricity in ON is not renewable but gas fired generators. Energy star definition Does this definition “hold” as ON building code changes. 1.6 water quality….nice! 2.3 healthy trees……does there need to be clarification of what is a healthy tree? Specifically to clarify that just because a tree is nearing end of life cycle it is still to be maintained. 2.4 street trees. I like the definition of size by identifying the amount of shade provided after 10 years. 2.7 landform conservation Wouldn’t it be Engineering to review? 3.2 exterior lighting What about simply reducing the number of lights. There seems to be a fashion now for a lot of lights below soffits of new houses. 3.3. energy management 1) I find this a tad confusing as there is also a section on alternative energy systems (1.1) 2) What is the value of developing a strategy? Implementation is required. 3.6 efficient car pooling # of spots with infrastructure for chargers is far too low. 4.2 universally accessible applicable to individual houses?? on Facebook Share Carbon footprint definition Should it be clarified that the measurement does not include the full chain. E.g. account for fact that X% (??) of electricity in ON is not renewable but gas fired generators. Energy star definition Does this definition “hold” as ON building code changes. 1.6 water quality….nice! 2.3 healthy trees……does there need to be clarification of what is a healthy tree? Specifically to clarify that just because a tree is nearing end of life cycle it is still to be maintained. 2.4 street trees. I like the definition of size by identifying the amount of shade provided after 10 years. 2.7 landform conservation Wouldn’t it be Engineering to review? 3.2 exterior lighting What about simply reducing the number of lights. There seems to be a fashion now for a lot of lights below soffits of new houses. 3.3. energy management 1) I find this a tad confusing as there is also a section on alternative energy systems (1.1) 2) What is the value of developing a strategy? Implementation is required. 3.6 efficient car pooling # of spots with infrastructure for chargers is far too low. 4.2 universally accessible applicable to individual houses?? on Twitter Share Carbon footprint definition Should it be clarified that the measurement does not include the full chain. E.g. account for fact that X% (??) of electricity in ON is not renewable but gas fired generators. Energy star definition Does this definition “hold” as ON building code changes. 1.6 water quality….nice! 2.3 healthy trees……does there need to be clarification of what is a healthy tree? Specifically to clarify that just because a tree is nearing end of life cycle it is still to be maintained. 2.4 street trees. I like the definition of size by identifying the amount of shade provided after 10 years. 2.7 landform conservation Wouldn’t it be Engineering to review? 3.2 exterior lighting What about simply reducing the number of lights. There seems to be a fashion now for a lot of lights below soffits of new houses. 3.3. energy management 1) I find this a tad confusing as there is also a section on alternative energy systems (1.1) 2) What is the value of developing a strategy? Implementation is required. 3.6 efficient car pooling # of spots with infrastructure for chargers is far too low. 4.2 universally accessible applicable to individual houses?? on Linkedin Email Carbon footprint definition Should it be clarified that the measurement does not include the full chain. E.g. account for fact that X% (??) of electricity in ON is not renewable but gas fired generators. Energy star definition Does this definition “hold” as ON building code changes. 1.6 water quality….nice! 2.3 healthy trees……does there need to be clarification of what is a healthy tree? Specifically to clarify that just because a tree is nearing end of life cycle it is still to be maintained. 2.4 street trees. I like the definition of size by identifying the amount of shade provided after 10 years. 2.7 landform conservation Wouldn’t it be Engineering to review? 3.2 exterior lighting What about simply reducing the number of lights. There seems to be a fashion now for a lot of lights below soffits of new houses. 3.3. energy management 1) I find this a tad confusing as there is also a section on alternative energy systems (1.1) 2) What is the value of developing a strategy? Implementation is required. 3.6 efficient car pooling # of spots with infrastructure for chargers is far too low. 4.2 universally accessible applicable to individual houses?? link
Carbon footprint definition Should it be clarified that the measurement does not include the full chain. E.g. account for fact that X% (??) of electricity in ON is not renewable but gas fired generators. Energy star definition Does this definition “hold” as ON building code changes. 1.6 water quality….nice! 2.3 healthy trees……does there need to be clarification of what is a healthy tree? Specifically to clarify that just because a tree is nearing end of life cycle it is still to be maintained. 2.4 street trees. I like the definition of size by identifying the amount of shade provided after 10 years. 2.7 landform conservation Wouldn’t it be Engineering to review? 3.2 exterior lighting What about simply reducing the number of lights. There seems to be a fashion now for a lot of lights below soffits of new houses. 3.3. energy management 1) I find this a tad confusing as there is also a section on alternative energy systems (1.1) 2) What is the value of developing a strategy? Implementation is required. 3.6 efficient car pooling # of spots with infrastructure for chargers is far too low. 4.2 universally accessible applicable to individual houses??
Debbie S asked almost 5 years agoThank you very much for your questions. The definitions and programs will continue to be updated over time as the requirements of the Ontario Building Code and other policies and procedures change. Please see below for responses to each question:
1.6 Thank you for your comment!
2.3 Thank you for your comment. We will provide further clarification for the definition of a "healthy tree".
2.4 Thank you for your comment!
2.7 Thank you for your comment, we will add the Township's Engineering and Public Works Department as a "Department to Review".
3.2 Thank you for this comment. At this time the Green Development Standards Program is not intended to apply to single family residential developments. This comment will be noted should the Program be expanded in the future. We will review the benefits of reducing the number of lights for other types of development.
3.3 There likely will be overlap between the metrics for Alternative Energy Systems and the Energy Management Plan. The Energy Management Plan metric is intended to be more comprehensive by providing opportunities for energy conservation and energy sharing to be incorporated. Implementation is currently noted as the "Level 2" metric, this will be further reviewed.
3.6 Internal discussions have been had regarding this metric and modifications to the minimum target are proposed to increase the minimum requirements.
4.2 At this time the Green Development Standards Program is not intended to apply to single family residential development so this metric will not be applicable.
Thank you again for your comments, please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or require any additional information.
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Document Library
ThinKING Green - Final_endorsed May 2024_withform.pdf (2.3 MB) (pdf)
2024_ThinKING Green Applicant Information Guide.pdf (803 KB) (pdf)
ThinKing Green - April 2024 Draft_Final.pdf (2.16 MB) (pdf)
ThinKing Green: Sustainable Development Standards - March 2024 Final Draft (2.18 MB) (pdf)
ThinKing Green: Sustainable Development Standards - January 2024 Draft.pdf (2.17 MB) (pdf)
What We Heard - ThinKING Green - January 2024.pdf (147 KB) (pdf)
ThinKING Green Sustainable Development Program - June 2023 Draft.pdf (2.27 MB) (pdf)
Sustainable King: Green Development Standards - 2022 Program Expansion
Sustainable King: Green Development Standards - 2020 & 2021
Sustainable King: Green Development Standards Metric Handbook - Final Draft.pdf (801 KB) (pdf)
Sustainable King: Green Development Standards Program Table - Final Draft.pdf (449 KB) (pdf)
Sustainable King: Green Development Standards Guidelines - Final Draft.pdf (419 KB) (pdf)
Sustainable King Green Development Standards Guideline - March draft (230 KB) (pdf)
Sustainable King Green Development Standards Table - March Draft (542 KB) (pdf)
Sustainable King Green Development Standards Metric Handbook - March draft (532 KB) (pdf)
Key Dates
Who's listening
Phone 289-800-2562 Email -
Phone 289-800-2656 Email
Project Timeline
ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program has finished this stageThe Sustainable King: Green Development Standards has been adopted by King Township Council and will come into effect February 1, 2021.
ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program has finished this stageThis consultation is Open for contributions.
Under Review
ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program has finished this stageContributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review. The Project team will report back on key outcomes.
Recommendation for Adoption
ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program has finished this stageThe recommendation report to adopt the Sustainable King: Green Development Standards is scheduled to be heard November 16, 2020.
Open - Program Expansion
ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program has finished this stageThis consultation is open for contribution! A new Program, ThinKING Green, is proposed to replace and expand upon the Sustainable King: Green Development Standards Program. Please provide any comments, questions and/or input by February 1, 2024.
Endorsement of ThinKING Green
ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program has finished this stageThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program was endorsed by Council on May 13, 2024.
ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program is currently at this stageThinKING Green has come into effect for all Site Plan and Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications submitted on or after September 1, 2024. For more information on program requirements and the purpose of ThinKING Green, review the ThinKING Green Applicant Information Guide.